Thursday, February 23, 2012

05 PCG - Teaching Class!

thesis is chasing me!

Today was not really special, except I had a Scientific Writing, which means telling and explaining me and also warning me about thesis! WAKWAW! Thesis, thesis, thesis! Topic, topic topic! Well, next week, I have to present to the lecturers of Scientific Writing and Research methods the topic of my thesis! IMAGINE! no idea. By the way, before I went back home, I met and had a little conversation with one of my lecturers, and he kinds of reminding and asking me to follow fast-track. Fyi, fast-track means you can graduate from the university in 3.5 years, which means you have to do your thesis in 7th semester! DIE! Sounds great actually, because you can graduate faster than others, but you know, I just kind of having no description about what I am going to write for my thesis. Then, when I was on my way back home, I was thinking and trying to find a topic. Well, I think I am interested in Literature, so probably my thesis will be about Drama, Novel, Poem or something like that. I really hope everything will be so smooth. I am so excited!

Monday, February 20, 2012

6th Semester!

Selamat pagi!
Bangun tidur lalu lihat laptop masih dalam keadaan standby. Buru-buru nulis sebelum memulai hari ini.Jadi ceritanya, hari ini hari pertama masuk kampus lagi. 6th Semester saudara-saudara!!!! Mendekati thesis dan sejenisnya! Mata kuliah untuk hari ini yaitu : Literary Criticism I lalu Research Methods dan yang terakhir Sociolinguistic. ARRRRRRRRRRRRGH!! Sounds difficult! Tapi sejauh ini, saya masih excited memasuki 6th semester (lihat aja nanti pertengahan semester juga ngeluh melulu pasti! HA). Well, this is enough to start my day. I gotta take a bath and have a breakfast! See you then!

Peace out!


i’ll be sitting and i’ll be waiting for you

cause all this thoughts and all this hopes

will go blue

time awaits you now

and breaks you now

i’m on your side

i’m on your side

i’m on your side

and memories is all we got

so hold my hand

and we’ll ease it out

tonight tonight

i can feel you in my sleep

the fear of eve is in my grief

the smile of light is flashing both my eyes

i’ll be sitting and i’ll be waiting for you

(Honeymoon on ice - The trees and the wild)

Get Well Soon, Rusdy Fuadh Saleh!

Namanya Rusdy Fuadh Saleh, saya kenal sama bang Rusdy dari kakak saya.
Bang Rusdy sering main ke rumah, dia juga sering ikut kalo Cherubic lagi manggung.
Saya, bang rusdy, edo, ledi dan oco itu cherubinatic! FANS BERATNYA CHERUBIC! yeah!
Bang rusdy ini paling suka banget di foto, kalau mau kemana-mana pasti ga pernah lupa ngingetin saya untuk bawa kamera.
Bang rusdy selalu suka makan chiki, gorengan, martabak PJP, tapi jarang banget makan nasi. Ini yang menyebabkan dia sekarang terbaring di rumah sakit. Ga pernah nyangka sebelumnya, dibalik postur tubuhnya yang 'kokoh' dia nyimpen penyakit yang bisa dibilang cukup bahaya. Sampai sekarang saya menulis blog ini, bang rusdy masih terbaring di rumah sakit Bhakti Asih.
Dia dirawat karena ada radang dan gangguan jantung.

Get well soon bang Rusdy, biar bisa ngeband lagi..
biar bisa makan martabak lagi..
biar bisa ngelawak bareng-bareng lagi sama Cherubic Family.

We Miss You, bang!


aku hanya rindu.
