Last week i did a kinda vacation with all of the neighbourhood. Seriously, i didn't feel excited about this, don't know why.
yep, traffic jam and those kind of 'mabuk darat'. yeah I hate them
finally, arrived at Villa Baladegana Outbond
Excited at first. Cool place I thought. But suddenly, Dang! someone told me that we moved to Villa Semar.
yeah, honestly, it looks jerk ! not cool. negative.
but as the time goes by, I was trying to comfort my self in here.
Swimming, was the first thing I did with my sister and others.

Then, we did sight-seeing to Baladegana Outbond.

and the second day, The outbond time! yeay, no, actually I didn't do all the games hahaha
p.s : Those pictures were taken by and with my friend's camera. Mine was dead. The battery went out, my false.